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Physical Education in a 'New World'.

The Physical Education & Active Kids team have been working on new operating guidance which ensures all children, staff and our team are safe and we have been tirelessly developing a new look for physical education in this new world.

The Youth Sport Trust has published 6 Delivery Principles which we have chosen to adopt for PEAK. These are: ▪Using PE to help your students recover from the impact of Covid-19 and the lockdown.

This is not PE as we know it & it will look very different. Consider how you can respond to the levels of physical activity your young people may/may not have experienced during lockdown and use physical activity to improve well-being.

- PE clothing on PE days. There is risk of transmission in the changing room and we should encourage to remove obstacles to PE such as ‘forgetting kit'. This will also encourage more young people to maintain activity habits and help counter some time constraints. - Procedures. we will work closely with our schools to ensure all logistics regarding students moving around school, use & cleaning of equipment are keeping everyone safe. - Activities. We will focus our learning outdoors and expand our children's knowledge of sports such as yoga, orienteering & individual skill sessions to minimise use of equipment and contact with others. Fitness challenges could be utilised to tackle the effects of lockdown. - The ‘E’ in PE. This provides us with the opportunity to explore and develop young people’s life skills through the physical activity and challenges they undertake such as social, health, personal and problem solving skills. - Personal reflection and well-being check-in: YOUNG PEOPLE NEED PE NOW MORE THAN EVER! Our team will use their expertise to encourage students to maintain physical activity. We can also use PE to help reconnect your students socially while maintaining social distancing measure and check to ensure they are well.

If you do need any further support or guidance please do not hesitate to get in touch.

"Figure out how you can be in public and interact with people without fear. We are social creatures. We need each other. We will survive with and because of each other. Social distancing just means that we connect differently. Being afraid makes us contract and shut each other out. I hope we can fill that space created by fear and contraction with meaningful connections and learn to be less afraid of each of other." - Dr James Stein (University of Wisconsin).

Best wishes at this uncertain time, stay safe! The PEAK Team.

Why not check out the PEAK Team daily challenges to keep you & your children busy?

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