PEAK's commitment is to provide outstanding delivery, training, support and resources for schools to ensure that their delivery of physical education provides their pupils with an enhanced and academically rewarding programme of physical education and physical activity.
The team at PEAK have an extensive range of experiences and we have produced a package of services, resources and delivery options that will enhance any school's delivery and results. We want to help you achieve your PEAK performance. We understand the pressures that schools are under and our tailored services have been designed to help you become an outstanding school. Unlike OfSTED we do not believe that you can peak at a given level. We believe that can always improve and this is a mantra that we carry through in all of our work.
We have designed a range of options that can be completely tailored to meet the requirements and needs of your school. When working with PEAK you are not simply hiring an external delivery company, you are entering into a partnership agreement with PEAK whereby we will promote the values and ethics of your school and work with you to achieve the best outcomes for your school. We can assist you with whole school development issues such as transition, community cohesion, raising attainment or wrap-around care.
​PEAK deliver professional services within a set of values that we ensure all our staff subscribe to. PEAK are a vibrant and exciting company that are driven to ensure that our delivery is exciting, fun and engaging for children and provide outcomes that meet the needs of your School Development Plan. We provide a guarantee to our future partners that we will provide high quality service for prices that are competitive and provide outstanding value for money for your school. Indeed many of our delivery options have been designed to ensure that you receive overall cost savings to your budget.