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PEAK rated GOOD by Ofsted.
Physical Education & Active Kids are proud to announce that on our first ever full Ofsted inspection we have been rated as a Good Provider. The full text is below.
What is it like to be a learner with this provider?
Apprentices benefit from training that helps them contribute positively to their workplaces from the start of their programmes. They take on additional responsibilities, such as running after-school clubs, which provides them with the opportunity to practise what they have learned and refine their new knowledge and skills. For example, a number of apprentices on the level 3 early years educator programme have gained promotion to a supervisor role during their apprenticeship. They plan after-school care programmes and lead other staff in preparing children’s activities.
Apprentices demonstrate positive behaviours in their workplaces and during off-thejob training sessions. They understand the importance of modelling good behaviour when working with children and behaving professionally at work. For example, level 3 teaching assistants are informed of the expectations of them as role models at the start of their apprenticeships and the significance of correct behaviour for employment in school settings.
Apprentices are confident that tutors will support them when they need help with their assignment work and with any other issues. Tutors genuinely care about apprentices and ask about their welfare during reviews and during off-the-job training sessions. The continued interest and offer of support from tutors ensure that apprentices feel comfortable raising concerns, knowing that they will receive swift help to resolve problems.
Apprentices feel safe in their workplaces and when attending weekly off-the-job training sessions. Younger apprentices are provided with useful, age-appropriate information about how to stay safe from peer-on-peer abuse, sexual harassment and assault. Apprentices know who the designated safeguarding leads are and how they can report concerns about themselves or their peers through an easy-to-use safeguarding reporting system.
Apprentices receive useful careers information, advice and guidance at the start of their programmes. Most are clear about the offer of employment with their employers on completion of their apprenticeships. However, apprentices do not consistently receive wider careers guidance to help them take other steps should they wish to leave their employer or change career direction.
What does the provider do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have a clear rationale for their apprenticeship programmes: to provide pathways into employment in early years education, teaching and sports coaching. They work well with primary and secondary schools to recruit apprentices into roles where they work in schools or in after-school care provision as sports and activity leaders. As a result, the apprenticeships provided fill staff vacancies and help employers to improve their workforce by recruiting people with the expertise that is needed.
Tutors collaborate effectively with employers to select and sequence curriculum content depending upon the needs of the childcare sector in which they operate. They carefully plan the curriculum so that apprentices first develop the fundamental knowledge and skills that they need before applying these and developing their skills further in the workplace. For example, apprentices working with children in early years are taught safeguarding and personal safety first so that they can ensure the safety of the young children in their care. Level 4 sports coach apprentices are firstly taught health and safety alongside anatomy and physiology so they can deliver physical activities safely and prevent injury.
Tutors use the information that they receive about apprentices with special educational needs and/or disabilities to support them well in sessions. Following initial assessment, tutors ensure that support is put in place quickly. For example, tutors support apprentices with dyslexia who find it hard to read black text on white backgrounds by adjusting presentations and learning materials accordingly.
Most tutors use effective teaching and learning strategies that help apprentices to know more and remember more. Tutors on the level 4 sports coach apprenticeship carefully link the theory of anatomical movement to the use of practical exercise. This helps apprentices recall the meaning of key physiological terms such as abduction when it relates to muscles pulling a leg or arm away from the axis of the human body. However, tutors do not routinely update their pedagogical skills. As a result, in a few instances, they do not deliver consistently high-quality sessions.
Tutors use assessment effectively to help apprentices recognise what they do well and what they need to do to improve. For example, tutors on the level 3 teaching assistant apprenticeship observe apprentices in their workplace and give them verbal feedback that highlights areas for improvement. However, a few apprentices do not receive their written assessments back in a prompt manner, which slows their progress.
Functional skills tutors help apprentices build their confidence and improve their skills in English and mathematics. They teach early years educator and teaching assistant apprentices useful methods of calculation, such as the ‘bus stop’ method. Early years educator apprentices use this method when they work with young children to develop their skills in adding and subtracting accurately.
Apprentices know the importance of being tolerant and patient when working in their roles as sports coaches, teaching assistants and early years educators. Tutors teach them how to plan sessions that consider the needs of children with disabilities such as cerebral palsy. As a result, the sessions that apprentices plan are inclusive, and the children with whom they work take part actively in sports and physical education lessons.
As a result of their training, apprentices acquire the essential skills, knowledge and behaviours necessary for their specific sectors. They apply their training to their job roles well, and the very few apprentices who have so far progressed to end-point assessment have been successful. However, a few apprentices do not know what their end-point assessment will consist of and, as a result, do not know how they can achieve the highest grades possible.
Leaders have high expectations and ambitions to deliver high-quality apprenticeships. Managers involve staff well in the evaluation of programme success. They run monthly meetings with tutors to discuss programme development, which helps tutors to know the areas they need to improve. For example, on the level 4 sports coach apprenticeship, tutors have recently used feedback from apprentices to improve the links between learning theory and its practical application.
Leaders know the strengths and weaknesses of the provision well. They routinely check the quality of provision, including subcontracted functional skills English and mathematics provision. Leaders rightly recognise that pedagogical upskilling is an area for further development.
Leaders ensure that employers commit to apprenticeships and understand their responsibilities. Most employers attend tripartite reviews from the start of programmes and contribute well to the planning of on-the-job training. Employers are clear about the expectations for there to be an offer of employment for apprentices on completion of their programme.
Leaders are mindful of the workloads and well-being of staff. Tutors’ caseloads are small, which ensures that they have time to plan training and respond quickly to apprentices when they struggle with their work. Staff feel valued and enjoy working for the provider.
Leaders have appointed independent and experienced further education professionals to an advisory board. Members of the board are active in their interactions and provide a high level of scrutiny and challenge of leaders’ actions. Where they identify issues, such as apprentices falling behind due to work not being marked in a timely manner, they hold leaders to account well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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