Overview of the role
Supporting the class teacher to enhance pupils’ learning.
Details of standard
Typical Job titles:
Teaching Assistant, Learning Support Assistant, Specialist Support Assistant and Support for Specialist Curriculum Areas
Duration: Typically 18 months
Level: 3
Role profile:
Teaching Assistants work in Primary, Special and Secondary education across all age ranges encompassing special educational needs and emotional vulnerabilities. The primary role of the Teaching Assistant is to support the class teacher to enhance pupils’ learning either in groups or individually, ensuring pupils understand the work set, know their learning objectives and stay on task in order to make progress. Promoting self-belief, social inclusion and a high self-esteem play an integral part to pupils’ well-being; ensuring pupils thrive in a positive, nurturing, safe environment. It is an active role supporting the learner to access the curriculum. They are good role models, act with honesty and integrity, take part in team meetings; contribute to planning and class activities. Promoting Fundamental British Values through spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and positive behaviours are crucial in contributing to improved pupil progress and development.
Entry requirements:
Whilst any entry requirements will be a matter for individual employers, typically an apprentice might be expected to have already achieved 5 GCSEs, including Maths and English, Grade C or above or 4/5 (new grading). Some employers will accept other relevant qualifications and experience, including a relevant Level 2 qualification.
What is Required:
Understanding how pupils learn and develop
Understand the need to provide feedback to support and facilitate an appropriate level of independence.
Comprehend appropriate levels of learning resources to identify and help address weakness, consolidate strengths and develop individualised expectations.
Recognise different stages of child development through school, eg: transition between key stages.
Recognise the importance of using appropriate technology to support learning.
Working with teachers to understand and support assessment for learning
Understand the need to accurately observe, record and report on pupil’s participation, conceptual understanding and progress to improve practice and assessment for different groups of pupils.
Understand the school’s assessment procedures for benchmarking against targets set by the class teacher.
Be familiar with assessment materials.
An appropriate knowledge of the curriculum and context you are working in.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Understand current statutory guidance including ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ Part 1, safeguarding policies, Prevent Strategy.
Understand the importance of sharing relevant information, in a timely manner with the designated Safeguarding lead. Understand the importance of first aid procedures, recording/reporting incidents and a broad knowledge of Health & Safety Policy.
What is Required:
Developing strategies for support
Develop strategies to support and encourage pupils to move towards independent learning.
Use appropriately varied vocabulary to ensure pupils’ understanding.
Embed effective behaviour management strategies using discipline appropriately and fairly in line with the school’s policy.
Deliver interventions in accordance with training given (RAG rating).
Foster and encourage positive, effective, nurturing and safe learning environments inspiring pupils to take pride in and learn from their individual achievements.
Recognise, adapt and respond to all pupils encompassing SEN/emotional vulnerabilities, for example, use Makaton, visual timetables.
Communication and team work
Work closely with teachers to ensure own contribution aligns with the teaching.
Ensure regular communication with teachers to provide clarity and consistency of role within lessons.
Deliver/lead small group teaching within clearly defined/planned parameters using initiative, sensitivity and understanding.
Build appropriate relationships with colleagues, pupils, parents, adults and stakeholders.
Comply with policy and procedures for sharing confidential information and know when and where to seek advice.
Implement current statutory guidance including ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ Part 1, safeguarding policies, Prevent Strategy.
Undertake safeguarding training every 3 years.
Support pupils’ well-being whilst embedding the importance of online safety.
Working with teachers to accurately assess
Contribute to a range of assessment processes and use information effectively for example: written records.
Use specific feedback to help pupils make progress.
Apply good subject knowledge to support accurate assessment.
Using technology
Use school computer systems, including specialist software eg: online registration, intervention programmes and management information systems.
Use relevant technology competently and effectively to improve learning.
Ensure pupils use technology safely.
Problem solving/ability to motivate pupils
Use a range of strategies including scaffolding and open questioning skills to enable pupils to access and engage in learning.
Recognise the difference between pastoral and academic issues and model good behaviour for learning.
What is Required:
Building relationships/ embracing change
Flexibility, trust, professional conduct, confidentiality and being respectful.
Promote the school’s efforts to build positive behaviour for learning.
Promote and exemplify positive behaviour and uphold the school ethos.
Be enthusiastic and open to new ideas.
Adding value to education
Praise; provide constructive and specific feedback and support pupils, helping them to achieve their maximum potential socially, emotionally and academically through peer marking and reflection.
Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion
Keep pupils at the centre of everything.
Promote community cohesion and cultural diversity encompassing a full understanding of the school’s ethos.
Professional standards and personal accountability
Demonstrate professional relationships in line with Staff Handbook.
Be diplomatic, a positive role model and maintain confidentiality.
Optimise learning opportunities and reflect on their personal development.
Demonstrate a willingness to learn and improve personal skill set.
Team working, collaboration/ engagement
Work collaboratively and constructively with the whole school team.
Engage professionally as appropriate with outside professionals.
Apprentices without English and Maths at Level 2 must achieve these prior to taking the End Point Assessment.
As well as ensuring full competency as a Teaching Assistant, this standard provides a foundation for potential progression into a number of career paths in the Educational sector including Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Assistant Teacher and Teacher.
The apprenticeship Standard will be reviewed after a maximum of 3 years