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Miss Kinghorn tells us all about her terrific Schools!

Hi everyone, Miss Kinghorn here!

I thought I would put some of the spare time I have now to good use and talk about all the brilliant schools that I am missing working with!

St Marys RC Primary School, Forrest Hall, is where you can find me on a Tuesday as a PECS mentor and delivering after school clubs. I started working here in September 2017 and I have really enjoyed my time working in this school as it is a friendly, caring environment where staff have high expectations for all their pupils. I am immensely proud to have seen the school develop over the last three years and seen P.E take huge strides in this school, due to a highly dedicated staffing team at St Marys who are always looking at ways to help the children achieve and make progress throughout school.

At St. Mary’s P.E is recognised as a key subject and they work hard to improve the health and well-being of their children. This makes my days here very enjoyable as the children want to learn and improve their performance and skills across all areas of P.E. which is a reflection of the staff’s enthusiasm and dedication towards P.E within school. There are brilliant resources available in school and they are always looking at new ways to develop the children’s learning using different methods!

On a Wednesday I spend my day at Riverside Primary Academy, Gateshead as a PECS mentor and delivering after school clubs. Despite only working here since September I love spending the day here as the school is a well organised, safe and calm environment where all pupils are given the chance to thrive. Teachers and staff work hard to make learning fun and engaging by arranging visits to a wide range of places and having workshops to come into school to inspire the children to want to learn more.

Riverside is a school that has very high expectations for all their children to maximise their learning potential across all subjects. The children at Riverside are a joy to teach and are always asking questions to improve their performance in P.E. The staff throughout school always look for new ways they can develop the children’s learning and pedagogy. I have been welcomed into Riverside as a part of the team and I look forward to continuing to work with all the staff and children in the future.

On a Thursday I spend my day at St Marys RC Cullercoats as a PECS mentor. Although I have only worked in this school since February I am greatly enjoying my time here and have been welcomed with open arms. All of the staff and children have made me feel part of the St Mary’s family and have impressed me with their great work ethic and dedication to improving not only their own performance but those in the team.

There is real community ethos around the school as everyone is working to achieve the same goal for the children. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, and dedicated support from the staffing team helps to ensure that each and every child succeeds. Behaviour from all pupils is excellent and the staff expect the very best of the children at all times. Children are incredibly supportive of one another and help their friends to make positive decisions and choices. I am very excited to continue working alongside all of the brilliant staff and pupils at St Marys.

On a Friday I spend my day at Cleadon C of E Academy as a PECS mentor and delivering after school clubs. I have been working at Cleadon since September 2018. I greatly enjoy my time here as Cleadon offer a wide curriculum and In addition to gaining language, mathematical, scientific and technological skills, they allow the children to build confidence, develop self– reliance and learn to make their own decisions. These skills are incredibly important for children across all areas of life, however these are also core values within P.E and these are reflected in the engaging P.E lessons that are taught at Cleadon. Working closely with the staff on the PECS programme has allowed us to collectively increase the standards of P.E throughout the school due to the enthusiasm and dedication of all the staff within school.

All the children at Cleadon are keen to learn and are always motivated to improve their learning within lessons. Throughout the school all the children are polite and well mannered and are always asking if I need any help setting up apparatus or carrying equipment to and from lessons. I am really enjoying working with all of the amazing staff and pupils at Cleadon and I look forward to continuing to see the school thrive.

I hope you have enjoyed hearing a little bit about all of the amazing schools I work in. I look forward to seeing you all again very shortly.

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Miss Kinghorn!

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