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How YOU can SAVE over £56,000 on PE Delivery!

We’re HERE to share the financial PAIN!

Today marks the day that we launch our latest and BIGGEST savings initiative to schools!

PEAK’s prices have always been competitive with industry standard pricing currently at £125 for a day’s PE teaching with (usually) and additional £25 for any additional services on that day, such as an after-school or lunchtime club. PEAK have NEVER priced schools above this industry standard and have maintained this pricing structure into 2023.

So this means we usually charge £150 per day for a full day of PE with an OSHL club.

But we recognise the financial struggle schools currently have and we appreciate that with gas and electricity bills at an all time high, paying £5850 per year for a full day of expert PE teaching might appear to be an unaffordable luxury.

So today we launch our Credit Crunch Busting 4 year contract for schools! Any school who signs up with PEAK on this new Service Level Agreement receives:

· A 25% discount in year 1

· An 18% discount in year 2

· A 9% discount in year 3

So schools will not pay the full price for their PE delivery until 2026/27 – by which time it is estimated that gas and electricity bills will have returned to pre-2022 levels.

In order to fully recognise the savings that this could make you let us compare this to, for example, a school who employs a L4 HLTA to deliver their PE. With the average wage of an HLTA currently at £23,872 a PE HLTA is a luxury that many schools are now unable to afford. Even more so due to the 23% on-costs that schools have to pay for an HLTA which brings the total cost to £29,363 every year! This is an unsustainable cost – especially when you consider that with some crafty timetabling a one-form entry primary school could easily get their PE scheduled into 3 days.

So let us compare the cost of engaging PEAK for 3 full days compared to the cost of your HLTA – and our comparison maintains the HLTA cost for 4 years, whereas we know that in reality it is likely to increase over this period!

With the primary school sector predictions that nearly 90% of schools will be in a deficit budget by next year due to spiralling costs we’d like to think that providing you with overall savings of £56k may go some way towards alleviating this issue!

Unfortunately we are fully aware of the sheer number of schools that are facing the prospect of staff redundancies this year in order to balance the books. It is a tricky task to face and we are fully aware of the fact that English and Maths HLTAs are probably slightly more secure in their roles that HLTAs who deliver PE – this, unfortunately, is an unavoidable fact-of-life! However schools still have a responsibility to deliver high quality PE. When you work with PEAK you get the best of BOTH WORLDS! High quality PE delivery AND over £56k in actual savings – that’s one hell of a lot of gas and electricity!

If you would like further details on our PE Delivery you can visit

You can contact us about these (and many other ways to save money) on 0191 704 2022 or by emailing

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