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How PEAK Partner Schools can be a Quarter of a Million £££s Better Off!

Last half-term we demonstrated to schools exactly how partnering with PEAK can have a substantially positive impact upon your budget.

Having delivered these key messages we want to ensure that no school misses out on these key themes – because we believe that NO North-East school should be facing a deficit budget next year. Over the passed two months we have shown you:

· How employing 4 apprentice teaching assistants across a 6 year period can SAVE YOU £100,000 -

· How outsourcing your PE with our ‘We’re in it TOGETHER’ cost-of-living busting 4 year contract can SAVE YOU between £56,000 and £60,000

· How one school, in partnering with us, has made over £120,000 worth of savings across an 18 month period

· How outsourcing can make you £12,000 worth of savings every year

· How to maximise the impact of the PE Premium before it inevitably disappears ensuring that you have sustainable high quality PE

· How to increase pupil intake AND receive £3,500 worth of FREE staffing in your school

Having shown you how to make these savings, lets put a hypothetical offer to your school:

1. We will provide you with 4 apprentice TAs over a 6 year period replacing a retiring/leaving teaching assistant – SAVING YOU £100,000

2. We will provide you with 3 days of PE on our 4 year saver contract to replace a retiring/leaving PE HLTA or teacher – SAVING YOU £60,000

3. We will provide you with an L3 Business Admin (or L2 Customer Service) apprentice to replace a retiring/leaving office admin assistant SAVING YOU £20,000.

4. We will run a ‘Better than Free’ wrap-around care which will increase your intake by (let’s say) 3 pupils every year which increases your income by £50,000 over a 4 year period PLUS we will provide you £14,000 worth of free staffing.

There you have it – a smidgen under a QUARTER OF A MILLION POUNDS better off!

Now please explain to me why you are forecasting a deficit budget???!!!

To contact us about any of these money saving (or generating) programmes or offers you can contact us here or email or telephone 0191 704 2022.

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